Mother’s Group

Join us as we explore the idea of creating a village - a village that celebrates, empowers, and uplifts each other in the incredible journey of motherhood. Will you be a part of this beautiful group?

Become a node mother now, and spend 10 uplifting weeks, working on yourself, making new friends all while spending quality time with your babe.

We focus on mother wellbeing, providing a safe and welcoming space for mothers and babies, cultivating friendships and empower women to feel confident and supported in all areas of their life and mothering.


Hello, my name is Melissa! l am a mother, a photographer, group facilitator and passionate supporter of women.
Offering this wonderful space for mothers here at node, makes me very proud. I am so excited to celebrate the magic of motherhood, to facilitate mother's group sessions, provide some friendly individual postpartum support, and continue to capture precious memories of you and your families.