Natural Therapy Services

Natural Therapy Services (3)

This service is based around the use of Computer Electro Dermal Scanning. This method uses both naturopathic and homeopathic principles in the use of frequencies to determine the body’s function and health.

It is a non invasive method and can be used with all age groups. The first consultation is usually around the hour with all follow up re-checks taking half hour durations. The two instruments used are a Physiospect and an Orion CEDS unit.



Ken’s work is based around the use of Computer Electro Dermal Scanning. This method uses both naturopathic and homeopathic principles in the use of frequencies to determine the body’s function and health. It is a noninvasive method and can be used with all age groups. The first consultation is usually around the hour with all follow up re-checks taking half hour durations. The two instruments used are a Physiospect and an Orion CEDS unit.